"Your life could be much better"

What if you could learn the strategies of world leaders, visionaries, innovators, World’s best experts ... Learn any skill
By spending just 15 minutes a day

Do you know what is common between these people?
Other than being successful and Rich?

They read books
They read a lot
The question we should ask ourselves is
"Are they successful because they read books or did they become successful because they read books?"

More importantly, why do they read books now? They are rich, they are successful. What benefit do they get from reading books?  

World’s easiest way to improve your life and become an expert in anything

Step 1

Select an area of life you want to improve or want to become an expert at.

Step 2

Read books written on that topic.

Step 3

Implement what you learned from the books.

If you follow the 3 simple steps listed above, your life will never be the same again. Your life will not be a routine and boring.

You will achieve more. You will achieve your goals faster.

From books, you can learn the right strategies improve your financial life, health, relationships and what not. You can be an expert in any topic of your choice if you read a few books on the topic and world-class expert if you read many books.
Imagine what your value in the society be if you are a world class expert? You can easily increase your values in society by reading and implementing the strategies you learn from books.

What if I told you I have put together a system you can learn to read books faster?

"Your life could be much better"

I was an average student in school. I used to study hard but never could score good grades.
In high school, I started searching for solutions for effective study techniques.

During this process, I was introduced to speed reading, accelerated learning, memory techniques. I loved what I learned.

When I started reading books, the first thing I thought was why don’t they teach this stuff in schools and colleges.

I decided to master these skills and spend 100s of hours studying them and practising them.

Within no time, I started seeing improvement in grades.

I didn’t stop there. I started studying books on personal development, business development and on many other topics.

I was able to finish reading books way faster.

More than grades, I could see a huge improvement in my thinking and approach towards life.

These books changed my life.

I became passionate towards learning and started reading books aggressively.
In the last 14 years, I was able to read over 3000 books.

Seeing the way, I read books, many of my friends started asking me for advice. I started teaching it to people and could see great results within a few days of practising the techniques.

Motivated by the results, I put together everything I know about learning and reading books in one place.

I was able to organize everything into a step-by-step system in which anyone can learn and master.

In last few years, I thought this system to 100s of people from various countries with great results.

I decided everyone should learn this skill and have the habit of reading books

Most common Excuses

Many people tell me they love to read books but don't do it. When I ask for reason, here are some of the statements they tell me.

“I don’t have time to read books.” I am too busy.

Are you too busy driving the car and you don’t have time to stop for gas?

Books are the gas which will help you run your life smoothly and in the right direction.

Just spending a few hours reading a book can give you insights which will change your life in a way you never imagined.

“I feel scared when I look at books.” They are huge

Many people get scared of the books because of wrong conditioning in school and by teachers. Many people have negative associations towards books and learning.

All of this happens because you never learned how to learn.

You get scared of books looking at the number of pages. You need to have a different mindset for this - It is not the number of pages that matter, it is the number of ideas that matter.

“I have never read an entire book in my life”

You are not alone. Many people whom I coach have never read a book in their life.

Just after learning the system and right strategies, many people finish reading a book in a day.

Finish Reading Books Online course

Learn the Step by step System

I took everything I learned from “how to read” and “How to learn” and from my experience of reading over 3000 books. I put everything into a step by Step system.

For the first time, I share the exact step by Step system with you. Till now it was open only to a few people who were my 1-1 coaching clients.

I will teach you how to read books faster with an in-depth understanding, full focus… without feeling sleepy

Exact Worksheets and Templates I use 

  • Over 20 practical lessons covered in 4 modules. You’ll learn the mindset, strategies and a step-by-step system to finish reading books faster.
  • Clear actionable steps at the end of each lesson. You can start practising the required steps from lesson 1
  • Exact worksheets and templates I use to get the maximum benefit from the books I am reading.

For Students

Learn how to read text books faster and get maximum learning from it in short period of time. 

I came to have a better grasp of the material  I read. A lot of myths I lived with were removed. I read more and enjoy reading more and share more.
Amita Sonthalia,

Managing Director, Triveni Lights

What'll you learn?

Here is a sample of what you'll learn in this course

  •  You will select 3 books to read in the next 3 months. You’ll practice all the techniques and system on these books.
  • Biggest mistake every reader makes. Once you rectify this mistake, you’ll never look at reading in the same way.
  • How books are written by authors and use it to our advantage while reading. It will help you give you a different perspective of the books. Books shouldn’t be defined by the number of pages.
  • Deep dive into the content of the book. Understand different types of content in any book.
  • Identify What content is important in the book and what is not.
  • How to motivate yourself to read any book.
  • How to read with a laser-like concentration and in the right state of mind.
  • 15-minute hack to get the overview of the book, author’s writing style and get a gist of the book.
  • How to Decide if the book is right for you or not, useful to you or not even before you start reading.
  • The Step-by-step system to read any book in a systematic and strategic way.
  • How to find main ideas from any book and read an entire book in less than 90 minutes. It will help you Save time and learn what is important.
  • What are 3 things you must do before you even open the book? These 3 things will define how well you read the book.
  • What to do after you read the book? It’s not close the book and forget about it.
  • How to record the insights you got from the book and take action.
  • Detailed FAQs about the system and how you can implement in your life from today.
  • How to use the system to read technical books and textbooks
  • How to use the system to read fiction books and enjoy the process.
  • Different case studies of How I read some of the book. Break down of step by step System.
  • How to use the system you learned to read a book every week

Neel Gala

Management Consultant

Before working with Srinivas, I wasn’t able to concentrate for long duration, I had Lack of interest to read a book looking at the size of the book because I had Preconceived notion that it would take a lot of time
After learning the System, I could break the psychological barrier that reading takes time and I Developed interest in reading.
I highly recommend every to join the course and learn the system to read books.


This is a self-paced online course.  The entire course is in digital format. Once you make the payment, you will receive an email with a username and password to an exclusive member only area.
You can log in to the member’s area and start with the lessons.

Right now, lessons are mostly text.  I have written lessons in a way, a school student can understand it. 
I am shooting videos for every lesson. I will upload these videos in 2 weeks. You will get access to all the videos. 

Don’t worry. you get lifetime access to the course. You can do the lessons whenever you want to and revisit as many times as you want.

I am planning many bonus lessons which are related to learning. Some of the bonus lessons include

  • How to develop reading habits?
  • The lesson of how to Memorize important data from books.

You can email me at srinivas@srinivasvakati.com

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